Friday, August 14, 2009

Light up the world

I feel like in some kind of flux. Just waiting for a signal or something. Someone had done a brief tarot general reading, one card and the card was ripening. I thought thats it. I am ready to fall off the vine. :) I am ready as I ever will be I guess. :)

I have been thinking much about what lies ahead the next few months. I can't help but to feel it will be a very crucial time for all of us. I have decided not to worry and I offer God my hands to hold for now I will let him and Jesus handle it while I keep vigil and my inner light shinning.

We need to generate as much love and light we can muster. For there are thieves a foot who would like to take our freedom.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The rise and fall

As of 6/8/09 I was diagnosed with diabetes. What a whirlwind I have been under.
The doctor gave me meds and a blood glucose meter to test 4x a day and sent me off.
Off I went to destinations of uncertainty, confusion, frustration,and utter despair.
I turned to the Internet for help and guidance. I went to the American Diabetes Association to gather information. I found the message boards there. This message board was very helpful with tips and recipes. I started watching my carb intake it has made a big difference as well as quantity. I know I have quite the journey in front of me. I am determined to get my blood glucose levels in control.

I found this blog at ADA message boards
this blog is very helpful if any one needs some information I recommend it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


This past week has been filled with connecting to old friends. How great it was to hear from them. It does lift my spirit to know they are well. Human connection is so vital. It has a way to validate your existence and theirs as well. I have forgotten that. I have not kept in touch with them for so long. I have shut myself out, not consciously. Now I have been trying to loose and shake away this barrier I have put on myself. I think its time to that. It appears the universe agrees.

Monday, April 6, 2009

I was saddened to hear about the earthquake in Italy. My heart goes out to them.

I was talking to my sister about her migraine last Sunday. Then I remembered that her daughter had one the next day and a coworker of my sister did too. Both never had one before and it really knock them out. Granted, anything could have triggered it. I was talking to my sister and I was just stating maybe something is happening in the atmoshpere or some kind of vibration that they all seem for something reason pick up on that some of us did not or not shown that way. Like, it was happening because of something is going to happen. That was this past Sunday I was talking to my sister about this earlier in the day. Some time after midnight, I found out about the earthquake. I was stunned. I wonder how many times things like this happen, and go unnoticed. It was a week, since her migraine started, the news said there were tremors all week long before the big one. I just find that amazing and intriguing.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Today seems much better then yesterday. I'm not sure where I am going with this blog. Trying to find my voice. I did a little looking around at other blogs and getting a feel for things.
I like some of what I found. Reading a bit of other blogs was interesting. So many different voices and flavors of life.

I am single and I live with my older sister and her two kids. I try to hold the fort while she works all day. Since at the moment I am unemployed it is only fair thing to do. I am blessed to have family to turn to during these economic times.
Two years ago we lost our home to foreclosure facing uncertainty, so I have an idea what people in the same situation are going through. We made it out of that dark cloud and it is in the past and we are focus on the future. I wish everyone in this process find there own rainbow.

I am very much interested in my own spiritual journey since I was a teenager. My steps at times seem to be stagnet or soaring above the clouds. I am still on my own quest for knowledge and truth. I keep an opean mind and heart. What I have found is that the answers I seek seem to lead right back to me. So really I am looking in the mirror and wondering do I like what I see?

In love and light,

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What did I do ?

I am a bit overwhelmed with this blog. I am not sure how to use it properly. I will just continue and learn as I go.

I have been feeling lost lately. I am also currently unemployed at the moment I was let go of my temp data entry job a week before Christmas. That really suck the holiday spirit right out me. I have faith things will be alright. They have to get better right?

Oh well! We will see won't we. It is hard to write what I feel that is why I started this blog. What am I feeling you may ask? I am feeling sad, disapointed, ashamed, distant, empty, lost, alone, and forgotten. Like the world as left me behind and I am aimlessly wondering in a void. That is how I feel today.

I also feel guilty for writing how I feel becasue it is so negitive. I don't want to spread it around either. Yet I needed to vent it out. So if anyone else reads this please don't let these feelings stay with you.

I wish you love and light,

Monday, March 30, 2009


Well, here I am my first blog.

I went out yesterday celebrating my brother and sisters b-day. Went to dinner and watched the movie Knowing. For me the movie was just ok. Very emotional at times. The ending was something I read could be a possibility for us.

A lot of 2012 doom and gloom scenario I have read and watched videos on. I recommend anything on Project This is a great site if you search for truths, but beware once you opened the door there is no looking back. There is a David Wilcock Video I recommend to called 2012 just google it. This a very good video expains alot.